PV Alumni Races For US National Team In Scotland

by Shelby Ponce

PV Alumni Races For US National Team In Scotland
• Legendary local runner now proudly wears USA on jersey.

Palos Verdes High School and Stanford University alumni runner Rebecca Mehra was honored to take on the Great Edinburgh Cross Country Challenge in Edinburgh, Scotland last week, Jan. 13.
Mehra ran the 1k relay with three other teammates from the U.S. National team.
“The race was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was made up of four members, two women and two men, and each ran a 1000m loop on the cross country course,” Mehra said. “The men were assigned to go 1st and 3rd on the relay, and the women 2nd and 4th.”
runners.aMehra felt extremely lucky, as she was chosen by her team to be the anchor, or finisher, of their race. The U.S. team raced against seven other teams from Great Britain, Belgium, Europe, Scotland, England, and Ireland.
The weather conditions during the race made a slippery and muddy course for the racers. The tough course included two steep uphills, and one downhill.
“We were expected to battle it out with Team Great Britain and Team Europe for a chance at the title, she said. But “when a race goes unexpectedly you just have to adjust and do the best with what you have.”, said Mehra.
The U.S. National relay team did not do as well as they had hoped, finishing 7th.

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