Playing Golf Through The Pandemic Is A Safe And Fun Way To Not Look At A Screen

by Timothy Niemann Golf Through The Pandemic Is A
Safe And Fun Way To Not Look At A Screen
• When following the rules golf proves to be a safe and enjoyable way to pass through the pandemic.

Playing golf, one of America’s favorite pastimes, has been one of the few activities available during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Courses in California were allowed to open in May, and Americans have taken the opportunity to play more. According to, 44 percent of courses nationwide have seen increased play, and Google searches for the word ‘golf ‘ have jumped.

So how is the golfing experience enjoyable through the pandemic?
First off, golf is a socially distanced sport. Fairways are usually about 40 yards wide, if not wider. That’s more than enough room to maintain the recommended 6 feet of social distancing.
Also, the game is played outside, where the virus is much less likely to spread compared to being indoors. So the risk of catching COVID-19 on a golf course is minimal.

And golf courses have made small adjustments to their protocols. For example, many courses have banned touching the flagstick. Doing so can incur a stroke penalty in competitive junior tournaments.
Courses have also taken other precautions, such as a “cut-down pool noodle,” in the bottom of the cup to catch the golf ball before it goes all the way down the hole. This way, the golfer does not need to reach his hand into a hole that many other people have already touched.

Americans have also flocked to golf as a way of getting outside. After nearly eight months of working and schooling at home, many people see very little daylight each day. Two to four hours outside playing golf is a great way to move around and get some vitamin D.
Playing golf during the pandemic is a safe and enjoyable way to get away from computer screens and enjoy time in the great outdoors with family and friends.

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