PEF Executes 1DAY100K Campaign

by Nina Li Executes 1DAY100K Campaign
• Fundraising shortfall calls for new campaign to reach goal.
The Peninsula Education Foundation (PEF) provides financial support for every aspect of education on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Each year, PEF sets a goal to reach by the end of the next school year, and this year’s target amount is $3.1 million.

Currently, PEF is more than $100,000 short of the amount pledged to fund vital teaching positions and programs at district schools.
The projected shortfall is calculated even after factoring in donors who typically give in the spring, funds that are coming in from events that have already occurred and the assumption that they will have a successful fundraiser in their Main Event Gala.
Due to this shortage, members of PEF have come up with a campaign called 1DAY100K.
Executive Director of PEF, Christine Byrne, has been in her position for the past three years and hopes that this campaign will motivate members of the community to step up and help.
pef.250“We decided to focus on a day of fundraising with a specific goal of $100,000 to help ensure that we can reach our pledge this year,” Byrne said. “We are hoping that all families can give any amount and make a big difference for our schools.”
Besides raising the amount needed, the goal of this campaign is to educate the community about what PEF is and how it provides support to each school across the district.
Many students and parents on the Peninsula are unaware of the impact that PEF makes in their lives, but through these events and campaigns, PEF hopes to build a stronger, more personable connection to the many families in the district.
From students who participate in STEM activities and sports, those who visit the College Career Center and all the students who have a counselor, PEF is working behind the scenes to make sure that these programs and people have the ability to give their best to the students.
To serve as a liaison between PEF and the high schools, PEF has a high school ambassador program it launched this year to try to raise awareness about PEF’s work on high school campuses. Senior Liana Korotzer, from Peninsula High School, is not only one of the ambassadors, but also participates in activities funded by PEF.
“PEF has raised funds for so many of the activities that I love, like dance, while also helping my teachers and school as a whole,” Korotzer said. “I am really grateful that our district is able to raise the funds we need from generous donors despite not receiving very much from the government.”
PEF is hoping the 1DAY100K event, which took place Thursday, March 14, inspired enough people to donate. In the past, PEF has struggled to make its pledge, and if it is unable to make the goal set for this year, it will have to lower the pledge to the district, which will ultimately impact the programs and positions that we help support.
Along with 1DAY100K, PEF also has the Main Event Gala held in May and an online auction event from April 12-22 to raise money. PEF will also try to raise funds while giving community members the opportunity to win a Lexus or a year of dining for four at Terranea.
“I truly enjoy all of the amazing students, families, teachers and administrators that I have the pleasure of meeting throughout our community,” Byrne said. “There are so many kind, caring, involved and supportive members of our community, and it is such a pleasure to see so many step forward and work together to make this one of the best places to grow up and live.”

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