Juicing Becomes The Thing For Upcoming Summer Days

by Alexis Ferguson


Juicing Becomes The Thing For Upcoming Summer Days

green.100• Peninsula residents bring out their best juicing recipes for the warm spring months.

I am one of those people who gets obsessed with one thing for a week and then switches to somethinge else. One week for breakfast, it is peanut butter toast. The next week, it is oatmeal.
Lately, I have loved my juicer. In the summer, I use my juicer a lot more as I have more time to juice and buy fruits and vegetables to juice. Juicing takes a lot of work and time, so I juice when I have a lot of fruit. My friend has an orange tree and she gave me two huge bags full of juicy oranges, so I decided to juice them as I wouldn’t be able to eat the amount of oranges I received. Oranges are great to juice as they are so juicy when ripe and all you must do is take the skin off.
cul.aWhen I juice oranges, I love the final product because the juice is so fresh, and you know that there isn’t any added sugar or chemicals. I mainly juice oranges, but I have tried different fruits and vegetables.
I experimented with granny smith apples and red apples. Apples don’t give off a lot of juice, but I just wanted to try fresh apple juice.
Granny smith apple juice may seem sour, but it was surprisingly sweet with a little sour bite which I really like. I might have a higher sour tolerance scale than you do so you can always mix different types of apple juice depending on what you may like.
Next, I made a cucumber, green apple, and celery juice. Alone, celery juice is not delicious, but when I added a small amount to cucumber and green apple juice it tasted amazing!
What I love the most about juicing is how refreshing the juice is and how you can experiment with juices and make amazing combinations. Now, not everyone has a juicer but there are some great juices you can buy.
My all-time favorite juice is Citrus 2 from Pressed Juicery. In this juice are apples, lemon, mint, and pineapple. I love this drink because its so refreshing and a little bit sour with a hint of mint.
My favorite juice from a restaurant is the Green monster juice from Tender Greens. I don’t know all the ingredients in this drink, but I do know that it has green apple and kale. When I think of green juice it sounds as if it tastes like vegetables and healthy, but this drink mainly tastes of green apple which I love but I still feel healthy at the same time.
 From SunLife Organics, I love the lotus juice. This juice contains pear, rosewater, pineapple, beet, lemon, and green apple. This drink is tart and floral and has such a unique flavor. From evolution I love the coconut pineapple water which is so refreshing and simple.
Lastly, from 1915 Organic I get the coconut water, pineapple, mango, avocado, and lemon juice. This drink is so flavorful and can be found at most grocery stores.
If you have any questions or comments about where to find these juices or anything else, please contact me at culinaryjourneybyalexis@gmail.com. see you next time!

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